Organic Hemp Seed Protein Powder
Product Details
🥬 Vegan - Hemp seed protein is made up of the globular proteins edestin and albumin, which are extracted from hemp seeds. Edestin is rich in essential amino acids. Hemp seed protein is a great vegan alternative to whey, and it contains a significantly higher concentration of essential amino acids than soy protein. 💪 Muscle Support* - The high content of arginine, tryptophan, and tyrosine help support muscle growth and repair following exercise.* 🩹 Exercise Recovery - Hemp seed protein has been shown to improve recovery after exercise.* It also helps alleviate fatigue during workouts due to its high levels of iron and magnesium.* 💚 Digestive Support* - The fiber found in hemp seeds can help regulate digestion and support gastrointestinal health. It may also slow down the absorption rate of carbohydrates into your bloodstream.* ⭐ High Quality - All products by BulkSupplements are manufactured according to cGMP Standards to ensure the highest quality for manufacturing, packaging, labeling, and holding operations. We’ve made a significant investment in our in-house lab so we can test our products at multiple stages during production. We third party test products, procedures and equipment when required to ensure compliance, standards and consistency.